WARNING BibleEND is NOW! (Rev 9:4) Only Christians with Seal on forehead ARE SAFE!!
WARNING BibleEND is NOW! (Rev 9:4) Only Christians with Seal on forehead ARE SAFE!!
Signed in as:
1-2-3-4-5 Signs PROVE BibleEND is today!!!
#1. Jesus said it! (Matt 24:12) All nations proclaimed Gospel, then BibleEND comes!
#2. John said it! (Rev 16:12) Euphrates dries up in the last days, google it!
#3. TRUMPinBible.com (Rev 4:1) (read below)"A trumpet was speaking to me ..."
#4. "Children rise up against parents"
Never ever in history has this happened before, google it! (Matt 10:21, Mark 13:12)
#5. Daniel chapter 12: Daniel's 1,290BC alteration perpetual sacrifice, begins at "Hanging gardens" 600BC Israelite misses her home, until 690AD fall of Roman Empire. Add Daniel's following 1,325 years, ends (about) today 2025! People will hurry to and fro, (road-rage?). Information increases, (artificial intelligence?). Bless are those who wait until the last days (modern conveniences?).
Are you going to "get or be" ready?
...or scoff God?
John (Rev 7:3) said it!
STOP! Wait"until WE SEAL the servants (Christian slaves), of the God of us, on their foreheads."
NOTE: KJV changed those words to: "have marked the servants". This is not in the original first three (3) Bibles Greek text! I own the first three (3) Bibles. If you can read ancient Koine Greek, you're welcome to read them in my Bible library. They match each other, proves Bible is true!
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
I teach LearnReadGreek.com the only way you can truly interpret God's Prophecy because the Apostles wrote it only in ancient Greek. Why are you still reading a translation? I guarantee after my 4 LearnReadGreek lessons, you will be able to read the entire NT Bible in the language Jesus spoke and Apostles wrote! Or your money back.
Text Me! LearnReadGreek.com 206-664-1945
2nd Peter, said it! (3:3)
"There will be scoffers"
Are you scoffing at prophecy? Or have "We Sealed" you on your forehead? (Rev 7:3)
Be honest with yourself
Have you ever seen a live flying angel?
Or do you believe they're invisible?
Have you seen a live flying Dove?
Jesus said it!
PROOF BibleEND is today!!
(Matt 24:12) "The Gospel will be proclaimed to all nations, then the BibleEND will come." Today 2018, seven years ago the last nation has been proclaimed, it was the Sentinelese nation.
PROOF, google it!
Text Me! If I'm wrong or right
I want to know immediately if there's a nation remaining not yet proclaimed the Gospel! I'll pack my bags to proclaim that nation! If you can't name a nation not proclaimed the Gospel today, then you cannot say truthfully every nation has not been proclaimed today.
Who you gonna call? Veterans SuicideBusters nonprofit! Text Me! 206-664-1945
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500. + buy your TextBooks
$500 LearnReadGreek.com course supports Veterans Suicide Busters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding, I cannot charge the veteran for healing, I depend solely on your donations to Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church
I teach LearnReadGreek.com the only way you can interpret God's Prophecy because the Apostles wrote NT only in Greek.
Why are you still reading a translation? I guarantee after my 4 LearnReadGreek lessons, you will be able to read the entire NT Bible in the language Jesus spoke and Apostles wrote! Or your money back.
Text Me! LearnReadGreek.com 206-664-1945
JESUS said it!
"God only forgives your sins if you forgive others their sins against you (Matt 6:14). That's a really good deal from God! That's a good deal for all man kind, starting with me!
“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Most important commandment, (Mark 12:31, Matt 22:39)
"Thou shall not murder yourself."
(6th Commandment, (Exodus 20:13).
Do you believe in invisible angels?
Do you believe in God's Doves remaining on you like on Jesus, in the bodily form as God's Holy Spirit? (Luke 3:22)
God always uses a Dove to represent God's Holy Spirit.
Did you know??
When God's Dove remains on you, like God's Dove remained on Jesus, (John 1:32-33) that's God's sign you're SEALED on your forehead, adopted into Heaven the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter. It's God's choice who's adopted into Heaven, it's not man's choice. God uses His Dove throughout Scripture to represent His Holy Spirit.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!
LearnReadGreek.com proves it!
I teach "Learn Read Greek" Text Me!
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote the NT only in Greek.
PROOF BibleEND is now today,
JESUS said it!
"All nations now proclaimed, now is the BibleEND" (Matt 24:14)
2018 the Sentinelese, are the last nation proclaimed the Gospel, google it!
The Sentinelese, are an indigenous people who live on North Sentinel Island in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India. They are considered the most isolated people in the world.
John said it! (Rev 16:12) Euphrates dries up, google it!
PROOF! Bible prophecy is true.
Prophecy says Euphrates will dry up just before Armageddon! See above Euphrates river in 2024.
This proves, Bible prophecy is not only true, but happening right now under our nose. The Euphrates River, was a huge river. It’s been around since before time, it’s first mentioned in (Gen 2:14) the beginning of the Bible time line.
The last time Euphrates is mentioned in the Bible is in (Rev 16:12) the BibleEND times. "And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east."
The Euphrates River is drying up right now, google it!
Science predicts 15 years it’s all gone. Do you believe Prophecy is true? Is this a sign for us to know BibleEND is here? (Mark 13:37) "What but to you I say to everyone I say, be on the alert!"
Read the entire chapter, immediately after Euphrates drying up, come the biggest battle, Armageddon.
Knock knock on Heaven's Door, now open awaiting you! (Rev 4:1) Who's that Door?
Today, we now have special access to Heaven!
(Rev 4:1) "After this I looked, and there before me was a Door standing open in heaven."
STOP! "Wait until WE SEAL those Christian slaves, of the absolute God of us, on the absolute forehead of them." (Exact word for word ancient Greek to English translation.)
When God's Dove remains on you, like God's Dove remained on Jesus, (John 1:32-33) God's Dove is God's sign you're SEALED on your forehead, adopted into Heaven, the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter.
It's God's choice who's adopted or not into Heaven, it's not man's choice. God always uses His Dove throughout Scripture to represent His Holy Spirit.
Text Me! for God's SEAL on your forehead! (Rev 7:3)
These are what Jesus was familiar with:
Original Seven Wonders of the World:
"A trumpet was speaking to me ..." (Rev 4:1)
Trump is BibleEND!
I’ll prove it! (below)
I'll show you the Bible verses talking about Trump, that proclaim President Trump is the BibleEND.
When Veteran's are given a mission, they're already trained to focus as a team to win that mission! Now we need to provide them that mission equipment, then you've just stopped 16 Veteran suicides today!
Veterans NEED MISSION Veterans SuicideBusters 100%Recycling FUNDING!
Some Veteran's need to live on base. 100%Recycling plants are run like military bases; bunks, chow hall, Chapel, etc. Special ops 100%Recycling 24 tons solid waste (shit) every minute, 24/7! Veterans SuicideBusters 100%Recycling plants, will save 16 suicidal behavioral Veteran's every day!!
Text Me! 206-664-1945!
It's critical I speak with President Trump now, to explain the entire BibleEND prophecy to him before it is too late. Trump appears several times in Revelations, President Trump plays a huge part in the BibleEND, he's taking all the oxygen out of the Bible this time!
PROOF! (continued from above)
TRUMPinBIBLE Trump first appears in (Rev 4), “and a voice that I heard first, (President Trump's first 2017 election) trumpet (in the ancient Koine Greek genitive absolute case) was speaking with me saying, “come up here VOTE FOR ME and I will show you what must happen after these things.”
Read that again closely; "I will show you what must happen after these things," only politicians talk like this, nobody else does! Do you see my "Trump 2nd election" prophecy point?
Now Read it again where it says, “a voice which I heard first.” This first Trumpet voice heard, is Trumps first 2017 Presidential election. The Bible clearly explains Trump is elected twice. How do you like that for prophecy?
TRUMPinBIBLE prophecy has a lot more to say about Trump. Trump appears several more times in BibleEND Prophecy.
These passages are critical for Trump to know.
If 10,000 of us Emailed President Trump at the White House website, asking President Trump to contact me, certainly Trump aids would contact me just to know the "Bible prophecy" about him.
I have now proved two things for you.
#1. Trump is in the Bible, and
#2. BibleEND prophecy is now & true.
(Rev 16:12) in ancient Greek reads completely different than English KJV. King James, adds "angel." Angel in Greek angglos, first meaning is "messenger." KJV adding words to scripture, to prophecy, (Rev 22:18) says anyone adding words, will suffer the plagues written in Revelation, in other words all Bible versions who add the "angel" to the verse (16:12 Rev) can't receive the SEAL of God on their forehead. (Not receiving SEAL is a plague of Revelations).
This is a prime example showing it is crucial to read scripture in the original Ancient Koine Greek text.
To interpret Trump in Bible prophecy, you must Learn Read Greek, to understand what the “absolute genitive case” means in ancient Koine Greek.
Reading Koine Greek in prophecy, describes President Trump. However, if you can't read ancient Greek, then you cannot interpret the Ancient Koine Greek the Apostles wrote.
I teach Learn Read Greek bible study!
I guarantee after my (4) easy Greek lessons, you will read the entire NT in Greek's deep ancient meanings the Apostles wrote,
or your money back!
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500.
+ buy your TextBooks
$500 supports, Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
1-2-3 ways 100% Tithe goes to GOD online:
#1. TitheGOD.com
#2. MAIL ME! Your Check
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit,
2111 N. Belt St., Spokane, WA 99205
#3. paypal.me/TitheGOD family & friends.
Did you know??
Preachers on TV & churches today pay a 2.5% processing fee (or more) first to (Visa/Master/etc.) to process your tithe online before God sees a dime of it? They turn a blind eye to it, ask them why? In reality you're actually truthfully tithing to Visa/Master/etc, first before God. Does this make a difference to God? Is this the "Mark of the Beast"? What would Jesus say to these money changers today?
...please do not muzzle me!
100% of your tithe goes to nonprofit 501c3 Apostle Mary family and friends Church supporting: JesusFaithHealing, Veterans SuicideBusters, GodsDoves, Learn Read Greek, 100%Recycling, and BibleEND Bible Studies, where your donation is tax deductible!
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500.
+ buy your TextBooks
$500 Learn Read Greek bible study,
supports Veterans SuicideBusters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding, I cannot charge the veteran for healing them, I depend solely on your donation. Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
MORE TRUMPinBible END Prophecy (Rev 10:6)
At the end of Trump’s office; "But in appointed days of the sounding of the seventh messenger, when he is about to Trumpet. Also will be known the mystery of God, as proclaimed to His Christian slaves the prophets."
In the last days, you can now LearnReadGreek, to understand exactly what Scripture says. Fake preachers, and false prophets will no longer be able to twist Bible prophecy into what they want it to say. You’ll know both the Bible truth and who the fake preachers are.
BibleEND is today!!
I’ll make you a deal;
God expects you to email President Trump, (or you wouldn't be reading this).
PLEASE EMAIL President Trump for funding NOW!
Email: Trump @White House.com, google it!
Ask Trump to fund building the first Veterans SuicideBusters 100%Recycling plant! Say; I "Frank" asked you to email him. https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
I'll then tell you the rest of the TRUMPinBIBLE PROPHECY BibleEND story.
Explain President Trump, we need to tell him the rest of the BibleEND story regarding him, before it's too late. Tell him my name, Frank D’orr, needs to explain very important Bible prophecy regarding him, to him.
Then Text Me! 206-664-1945, letting me know you emailed President Trump, so I know your VOTE to tell you the rest of the BibleEND story! Text Me! "Mr. Frank John Baptist D'orr" 206-664-1945
Ask President Trump, to read TRUMPinBible.com, BibleEND.com, Veterans SuicideBusters, and fund 100%Recycling GreenNewRecyclingDeal.com
The Bible is a story-line, it has a beginning and an END, we're now in the BibleEND (Rev 4:1) a door opened in Heaven, and a Trumpet spoke saying, "come here (vote for me) I will show you what must happen." (President Trump is elected).
I fear this is the last election, now with the coming of Christ BibleEND, there will be no more elections. Elections won't be necessary in God's plan. Prophecy doesn't describe a need for anymore elections.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
(Rev 7:3) The good angel tells the four bad angels not to harm the trees, land, waters, until we SEAL the servants (Christians) of the God of us on their foreheads." NOTE: This has not yet happened yet, this must take place first, before Armageddon can happen.
..."harm only the people that do not have the Seal of God on their foreheads." SEE (Rev 9:4) If you have God's Seal on your forehead, you do not need to be concerned about Armageddon.
Good NEWS! (Rev 9:4)
"Harm only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads!" If you got God's Seal on your forehead, you do not need worry to be concerned with Armageddon BibleEND. Got it?
All Christians must receive God's SEAL NOW! On your forehead, or (Rev 7:3) wouldn't say; "wait until we SEAL the servants of the God of us (Christians) on their forehead."
NOTE: The ancient Koine Greek translated correctly, actually says, "wait until we SEAL the 'slaves' of the God of us on their forehead." A slave in Greek is a slave not a servant. In that time 75% Roman population were slaves not servants. Romans would conquer foreign lands to increase their Roman empire territory reach. And would take human bodies as booty of war back home, and sell them as 24/7 slaves, not hourly servants.
Besides, I would not want to be God's "servant," because a servant is responsible for themself after their shift is over, and they get the weekend off. But a slave of God, means God is the master, and is responsible for His slave 24/7, forever and always! AMEN! And I translate "slave" as Christians, because of the words, "the God of us" means; "the God of Christians."
Did you know??
When God's Dove remains on you, like God's Dove remained on Jesus, (John 1:32-33) that's God's sign you're SEALED on your forehead, adopted into Heaven the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter. It's God's choice who's adopted into Heaven, it's not man's choice. God uses His Dove throughout Scripture to represent His Holy Spirit.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!
Knock knock on Heaven's Door, now open awaiting you! (Rev 4:1) Who's that Door?
We now have special access to Heaven!
"After this I looked, and there before me was a Dorr standing open in heaven."
Text Me for God's SEAL on your forehead! 206-664-1945
And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet (President Trump) said, “Come up here, (vote for me) and I will show you what must take place after this.” Only a politician talks like that!
Understanding how to interpret prophecy is easily possible now to know, if you Learn Read Greek. Because there are Greek words that cannot be translated into English, google it!
You can now take those ancient Greek hidden meanings that cannot be translated into English, and look into the book of Revelations with a magnifying glass. Therefore if you don't Learn Read Greek, you will never understand what the prophecy says, unless you Learn Read Greek.
Greek vocabulary has deep hidden meanings that cannot be translated into English! Now you can translate Jesus' Greek words for yourself. Learn Read Greek in four (4) easy lessons! Text Me! Learn Read Greek! 206-664-1945
Did you know??
When God's Dove remains on you, like God's Dove remained on Jesus, (John 1:32-33) that's God's sign you're SEALED on your forehead, adopted into Heaven the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter.
It's God's choice who's adopted into Heaven, it's not man's choice. God uses His Dove throughout Scripture to represent His Holy Spirit.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
(Rev 9: 4) "And it was told to them, they should not harm the grass, the earth nor any greenery nor any tree, except the men, everyone who does not have the SEAL of God on their forehead." If this Bible verse is correct, this explains if you have God's SEAL on your forehead, you do not need to worry about Armageddon.
God divorced YOU!! (Jer 3:8)
Now God's only begotten Son, is returning for your 2nd wedding (Rev 19:8) "Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready".
"I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband" (Rev 21:2). <BibleEND>
I teach LearnReadGreek.com the only way you can truly interpret God's Prophecy because the Apostles wrote NT only in Greek.
Why are you still reading a translation? I guarantee after my 4 LearnReadGreek lessons, I guarantee you will be able to read the entire NT Bible in the language Jesus spoke and Apostles wrote! Or your money back.
Text Me! LearnReadGreek.com 206-664-1945
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit Church
After my 4 lessons, I guarantee you'll read Greek words Jesus spoke, & interpret prophecy Apostles wrote! Text Me! LearnReadGreek 206-664-1945